googlea4f8d5194f27c44a.html Have You Ever Messed Up So Badly All You Can Do Is Laugh? - Cocoa Griot- Let "auntie" wisdom and energy keep you uplifted!

Episode 5

Published on:

19th Feb 2021

Cocoa’s Most Embarrassing Moments

Laughing At My Missteps Is Great Recreation for Me

In this episode I’ll admit to the three most embarrassing events of my life. They happened at different phases of my life, but they had one thing in common, I was embarrassed beyond belief with each event.


Good evening and welcome to my humble podcast abode. I am Coco Griot. I'm just a 50 something who enjoys sharing about live, love, and a host of other topics with you guys. I hope you will permit me to take a walk on the lighter side of life this evening. There have been so many sad and tragic things happening lately. I just feel the need to laugh. I wanted to share three things from different times in my life where I just got flat out embarrassed. I laugh at these things every time I think about them, and I hope you will too. I am a bit of a prony, actually, I think he should call myself a card carrying klutz, and I am gravity challenged. So my feet don't always follow the instructions of my brain. When I was in high school, I mostly wore like jeans and T shirts, but one day I decided I would wear a dress to school. This was a fateful mistake. I was wearing some sandals that had about all the traction of Vaseline greased ice skates. I was trying to be delicate and lady like, huh, but it wasn't pretty. When I hit the first step, the rest of the way down was a consistent roll. When I got to the bottom, there was a cadre of boys, of course, because we're talking about my life right? They asked if I was okay. I nodded yes, and then they all just roared with laughter. One of the jocks, looked at everybody and said" hey, that is the only way we will get to see her panties." Now, I didn't know a black woman could turn red. But that day, actually did.


My next embarrassing event happened when I was in college, I got married to the most wonderful man in the world. We were both taking classes on campus, but we didn't normally see each other until we get home at the end of the day. Well, one beautiful day in spring, I could not believe my eyes. As I spotted my husband from behind the impish part of me just said hey don't say his name, just walk up to him and pat him on the butt. So that's exactly what I did. So the guy that turned around wasn't my husband, but he had a really big smile I said hello there. All the blood drained from my face when I realized in horror, I had made a big mistake. Now, he really could have been my husband's identical butt twin. I have so many questions. So there I was as a married woman having to explain why I patted this man on the butt, blah blah blah blah. But he turned out to be such a good sport and accepted my apology. When I got home and I explained everything to my husband, he just cracked up with laughter. So I know that laughter is the best medicine when it happens at your expense, sometimes that pill is very bitter though.


So the last thing I want to talk about is in the latter part of my life I'm an adult, you would think things would be better, but no remember we're talking about my life. So I decided I needed to pick up some things from the mall, after a long day of work. I said I'm just going to dip in and dip out, but my bladder had other plans. I went to the restroom and fixed my dress I started walking down the mall and I noticed people were just kind of laughing as I walked by. I didn't think anything about it but then I decided to dip into a store and check out if something was going on with me. Sure enough, the back of my dress hem was stuck in my underwear. I had been treating the entire mall to a free show of my underwear. Well, I fixed the situation and left the mall without even purchasing what I came there for. So I made a commitment to wear dresses as least as possible because I had two major incidents in my life that were epic dress fails. Well, I hope you've enjoyed my embarrassing moments this evening. Please stay warm out there.


As always I wish you good health, good fortune, and a good night. Thanks for listening, Cocoa Griot out.

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About the Podcast

Cocoa Griot- Let "auntie" wisdom and energy keep you uplifted!
Conversations With A Purpose
I am a fifty-something single mom with a few ideas about life, love, and a host of other ish. There will not be any more episodes added to this podcast at this time due to the creator falling ill. Please enjoy past episodes and thank you for understanding.
I offer valuable content in a short span of time, so please check out my show. Think of this podcast as a lot of bang for your buck since time is a form of currency!

About your host

Profile picture for Daisy Woods

Daisy Woods

I am a fifty-something who loves life and delights in talking about life experiences. Sit back and relax while I chat about what is on my mind.