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Episode 12

Published on:

7th Apr 2021

The Tea Problem in Our Community

We Have a Common Enemy, Racism

There is an enemy That we need to address, yet We are attacking each other. Oppressed people should ban together and fight our common enemy.


Good evening and welcome to my humble podcast abode. I am Cocoa Griot, just a 50 something who enjoys sharing ideas about life, love, and a host of other topics. This is a truly exciting week because I launched my website. Please check me out at www cocoa You can find blog posts there, my micro cast there, and also you can pick yourself up some cocoa griot merch while you're there. So this weekend, I engaged in some very interesting research. The recent controversy involving Derrick Jackson, made me think about who is influencing whom in our society today. I watched a video by a former reality TV star, discussing the situation. She went on to mention different influencers on YouTube. So I thought I would check these people out. The result was catastrophic. I went down a rabbit hole that I was not expecting to, and I'm still scratching my head several days later, trying to figure out how do we get to the place where we have a tea problem.


Now in some social circles tea is a moniker for gossip. I was not prepared for the amount of people who actually make an entire living on posting videos and sharing tea. Now let me be clear, I'm not knocking anybody's hustle, but I was truly disturbed by what I found. There's a disruption in the t's that matter to me. In our community, because of this. Specifically, I'm concerned with a disruption of positivity, unity and loyalty. This is the kind of tea that matters to me. So I wanted to address each of these t's, and how our community has moved so far away from them to the point where we literally have beefs going on between people in our community, even though we have bigger issues looming than fighting with ourselves.


The first thing I want to talk about is unit, T. A common theme in most of these programs was alignment with one side or another, they would gather the troops, so to speak, by running down the character of a person. And then, in the comments there was a huge tagging along attacking that person as well. If we don't have a collective consciousness and work together, we cannot be unified. Maybe it is my age that doesn't allow me to see why these issues matter they are discussing. Focusing on what somebody said about you makes me think about what my big mama used to say. Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never,PLEASE FAST FORWARD hurt feelings is a choice.


The battle over words, that is raging on social media channels is unbelievable. The next tip I want to talk about his loyal t. So what's amazing if you go back into the history of some of these conflicts, is that one time. These people were actually aligned with one another, something happens, they splinter off, and then they become chief adversaries of one another. Then you go further in history. And you see, they united together to attack someone else. It's a never ending cycle of idiocy that I really truly hate to see. It would be nice if we can be loyal to one another, and support each other and our endeavors, because life is tough. Having people in your corner that you know support you can be very helpful and encouraging when there is no loyalty. Well, people in a group suffer immensely.


the last day, I want to talk about his positivity. How nice it would be if we could focus on the good and the positive things about others. Sometimes I think it's difficult to do because we don't focus on the positive in ourselves. It is a hard job in his daily practice. Consuming a steady diet of negativity, changes your lens, so it is hard to see anything as positive constant infusions of anger, cloud the minds of people. They don't see anything beyond rage and crackling. In the morning when I get up, I look on my mirror and I have the word squirreled, I am enough. When I know I'm enough that means I don't have to take from anyone else to feel better about me. When I go to my kitchen. I see sayings like choose joy, be grateful. These statements are on placards around the room. They serve as constant reminders to keep a smile on my face, and joy in my heart.


All of my passwords are positive sentences, whether I'm logging into my computer or my phone these are positive messages I give to myself. Of course for security reasons I can't share any examples of these examples with you. But think about writing sentences as passwords so that when you type them in, they put a smile on your face. They are positive reminders of the wonder of you. Staying positive, and having that energy that is uplifting will help you to uplift others. I think we get what we give often. So think about it the next time someone wants to serve some tea. Does it contribute to positivity, unity, or loyalty. If it's not addressing the needs of these t's, maybe you should skip it and not sip it.


Thanks for listening this evening. As always, I wish you could health, good fortune, and a good night. Coco Griot, out!

Please consider donating to a Gofundme campaign for India.

Positivity, Unity, and Loyalty are dying to make a come back. How do we help them in their quest? Please check out my website:

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About the Podcast

Cocoa Griot- Let "auntie" wisdom and energy keep you uplifted!
Conversations With A Purpose
I am a fifty-something single mom with a few ideas about life, love, and a host of other ish. There will not be any more episodes added to this podcast at this time due to the creator falling ill. Please enjoy past episodes and thank you for understanding.
I offer valuable content in a short span of time, so please check out my show. Think of this podcast as a lot of bang for your buck since time is a form of currency!

About your host

Profile picture for Daisy Woods

Daisy Woods

I am a fifty-something who loves life and delights in talking about life experiences. Sit back and relax while I chat about what is on my mind.